Pupils are then tested as a group/individuals using plenary questioning. Teams will need to prove their robot works. Pupils use their time to design, sketch, build and modify their robot so that it meets or can adapt to the challenge set out. * Lesson 10 - Pupils are set a design challenge and need to decide if they choose to create an autonomous outcome or a controller outcome. * Lesson 09 - Pupils are set a design challenge and need to decide if they choose to create an autonomous outcome or a controller outcome. * Lesson 08 – Pupils are set a design challenge and need to decide if they choose to create an autonomous outcome or a controller outcome. * Lesson 07 - Pupils are set a design challenge and need to decide if they choose to create an autonomous outcome or a controller outcome. They will then modify their Clawbot by fitting sensor to the arm, front, and back so that the Clawbot responds to itself and its environment. Pupils look at the bump, limit and ultrasonic and their uses for a Clawbot. * Lesson 06 - Pupils are reminded about the sensors from the previous unit and what they each do. Pupils will then carry out assigned tasks before an autonomous challenge of scoring as many times as they can in a 15 second spell.
They will focus on what to assign to motors and why, how to change their values, and how to time activities.

Pupils will watch be shown tutorial videos on using RobotC to programme autonomous operation of the Clawbot. * Lesson 05 - Pupils are introduced to the Sack Attack game. Pupils learn how to programme the cortex using a controller programme in RobotC. * Lesson 04 - Pupils are introduced to the topic of wireless technology and the context under which it supports Robotics. Pupils are then tasked with identify and sketching design faults on the Clawbot and design solutions they could develop and re-engineer with their kit. * Lesson 03 Teacher commences the lesson with a discussion about fault finding with the VEX Clawbot as it is currently assembled. Pupils will then start on the Clawbot with their individual roles set out with support documents on how to build the step by step. * Lesson 02 - Pupils learn about roles of the team of 4. Pupils prepare and present short presentations about why we need or use robots in society and industry. * Lesson 01 - Introduction to the project and discussion about robots in society, their applications, and different types that might be seen in the near future. Through the project pupils will be able to develop a confident and detailed level of knowledge of robotics design, and will be able to apply this to VEX challenges. The Clawbot will be redeveloped and rebuilt, programmed and engineered to result in new and engaging solutions. Once the build is complete, pupils are challenged to extend the application of the kit and robot to lead to different and ever more complex outcomes. The build is clearly led as a team assignment and leads to a specific outcome.

Again.The project concentrates on the design and manufacture of a VEX Clawbot using a prepared kit of robotics parts. This is the robot turning with only the motor connected on port 2 running. And at the end we wait for 1000 milliseconds which is one second. And when you move the left motor forward it will make the robot turn right. Because the motor connected on port 2 is our left motor. And in this way only motor 2 will rotate and motor 3 will not rotate and this will make the robot turn right. And to make the robot turn we just set one of the powers for the motor to 0. And actually the only thing we should do we have the configuration for the motors. We start with the program that makes the robot move forward. Let's see how do we implement the program for this turning. In this video we'll do a small program that makes the robot turn. So, it can rotate left or it can turn right. And depending on which motor you turn it rotates in a different direction. Looking at the construction of this robot, it turns by rotating one of the motors.